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I'm Faiz Ichsan Jaya, an aspiring Front-end Web Developer based
in Indonesia.

Experienced in web development, my dedication to learning more about this field has been expanding. Currently developing a portfolio website for my freelance, designing a layout for numerous clients all over the world. I also have an interest in building a mobile application, photography and art.
Screenshot of Fukuo Themes

Fukuo Themes

A portfolio website created on microblogging and social networking called Tumblr. Here you can find web design and programming related things. This blog also provides tumblr themes for public use in accordance with their platform's API and tutorials that are written by me. I have also designed a Tumblr theme for numerous clients all over the world. READ MORE
A screenshot of the website

Reflection On Education In Indonesia

A static website for my web design competition. I took the required theme named: "Refleksi Pendidikan di Indonesia" (Reflection on Education in Indonesia). I basically explain the situation on this theme with an interactive approach using a fullscreen trends nowadays. And this website is divided by four layers, you can either use your keyboard 1 2 3 and 4 or menu bar at the top-right corner. VISIT THE SITE
A screenshot of Arto-Ku


It's an Android mobile application made for my final project in the college. This is actually a money management app with a simple CRUD and calculation. I stored the data using Firebase Realtime Database and Firebase authentication. READ MORE


I joined a hackathon competition that was held by UAJY (Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta) with the team named "Jagoan Mama" and chosen as "the best 10". My role was to code a website from scratch. Unfortunately, we didn't make it but at least I got the experience to code 24 hours with little rest. READ MORE

STMIK Amikom Purwokerto

A dynamic website purposefully made for my project in first semester. I have experience in web development, especially Front-end for 5 years so I gave myself a challenge by implementing the Back-end development using PHP. READ MORE

Banyumas Explorer

A work-in-progress mobile application that is built on Android Studio to provide information about tourist attractions in Banyumas. The user can also book a ticket by choosing which places they are interested in. READ MORE