
Android Application Development


A money management app with a simple CRUD and calculation. I stored the data using Firebase Realtime Database and Firebase authentication.


Android Studio, Firebase, Photoshop CC

Development Time

3.5 weeks

About the project

The development started when I was in my fourth semester of college. Since my choice course was programming, I was obligated to build an Android Mobile Application using Android Studio. To be honest, I am not experienced when it comes to this so it took me a while to grasp the idea of building a mobile application especially using Java. I have previously used Java to build a desktop application using Netbeans so it went smoothly as a starter on this project.

Most of my friends used SQLite for their database management but I decided to take another route by using Firebase (it's a platform that will allow you to develop apps and offers a number of different services built-in such as Database, Storage, Analytics and more). Firebase Database and Firebase Authentication were used in this project (one was used for storing the data and the other was for authentication itself such as registration and login).

This app is very far from perfect and needing a lot of revision so in the future, the new features will be included.