
A business website/startup website


I joined a hackathon competition that was held by UAJY (Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta) with the team named "Jagoan Mama" and chosen as "the best 10". My role was to code a website from scratch. Unfortunately, we didn't make it but at least I got the experience to code 24 hours with little rest.


HTML, CSS, jQuery

Development Time

15 hours (Front-end)

About the project

It was my pleasure to join this competition especially as a team. Our team named "Jagoan Mama" was selected as the best 10 of more than 100 teams. We couldn't believe that our idea was chosen.

RongsokIn is a start up that focuses on waste issues. We know that sometimes some organic and non-organic waste is still very difficult to be recycled. So from that, the existence of this can help waste problems in Indonesia.

My role in this project is Front-end development. It involves the building of webpages and user interfaces for web applications. Front-end developers implement the structure, design, behavior, and animation of everything you see on the screen when you open up websites, web applications, or mobile apps.